Does alcohol really affect your nails??? | Chroma Gel

Does alcohol really affect your nails???

British women are drinking more than ever and you may not think it, but it does affect your nails and they will suffer 1st.

But over drinking or excessive drinking can not only affect your skin, but also harm your nails. Because alcohol is a diuretic, it drains the body of necessary fluids and nutrients. According to the Daily Mail, “Strong, healthy nails rely on a balanced intake of nutrients and from plenty of water, both of which are depleted with increased alcohol consumption.”
The state of your nails is widely regarded as a sign of your general health.
They require a steady supply of nutrients to grow healthily but, since they
are not a vital organ, the body does not make them a priority when its
vitamins and mineral levels are low.

Strong, healthy nails rely on a balanced intake of nutrients and plenty of water.

Consequently, brittle, pale and peeling nails could be one sign you’re drinking more than you think.



@Rita same reason I am here. I stopped drinking 2 months ago, and this evening went to cut the toenails. I was very surprised by how healthy the looked. No deformed shapes, no peeling, nice even coloration. So many benefits for quitting, double vision, swelling, itching, sweating and more, all gone. Yet somehow I convinced myself for so long that I did not have a problem.


I’ve just looked it up too I’ve stopped drinking in an effort to lose weight and my nails have never been stronger


I totally believe this! I quit drinking a couple of months ago and my nails have never been stronger. I actually looked it up to see if there was a connection.

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